Agroforestry Project 18 Month Update

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Syntropic Farming

In early 2022 Lua do Arco-íris started a pilot Agroforestry project on our property in Gouveia MG, Brazil. Agroforestry is a method that grows trees and crops together to help each other and make the land healthy. Here’s a short explanation on how it works…

Tree and crop friends: Agroforestry is like having tree and crop friends growing together. They help each other by sharing sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil. Trees provide shade and protection to crops, while crops help the trees by giving them a place to grow and attracting helpful insects.

Nature’s helpers: Agroforestry helps nature in many ways. It creates homes for birds, butterflies, and other animals. Trees also clean the air by taking in carbon dioxide and giving us fresh oxygen. They prevent soil from washing away during rain and make the soil healthier for plants to grow.

Supporting communities: Agroforestry is good for farmers and communities too. It helps farmers grow more food and earn money by selling tree products like fruits, nuts, and timber. It also makes farms more resilient to bad weather and helps keep the land healthy for future generations.

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