Instituto Espinhaço is partnering with Lua do Arco-íris on a new project. Instituto Espinhaço is a NGO that works in our area of Minas Gerais to help restore degraded land. They plant the land with trees. This will produce new diverse forests that will increase the water that is available to the land.
This Thursday a team from Instituto Espinhaço team arrived at Lua do Arco-íris to start planting trees. The first area of land will be planted with hundreds of trees in the next week. We are so excited to be working with this group.
They will also plant trees in a second area of our property in the coming months. These two projects with the Instituto Espinhaço will bring new life to badly degraded land over the next few years.
Lua do Arco-íris applied for participation in this project in late 2020. After being accepted we met with them several times and they planted a few trees in a small area to verify that this would be a good match.
For more information about Espinhaço Institute:
- Website:
- Facebook: